Die Arbeitsgruppe Geothermie des Lehrstuhls für Hydrogeologie an der TUM hat ein Manuskript mit dem Titel „Physics-based numerical evaluation of High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) in the Upper Jurassic reservoir of the German Molasse Basin“ in der renommierten Zeitschrift Advances in Geosciences veröffentlicht.
Diese Studie beinhaltet eine numerische Multiphysics-Analyse (MOOSE/GOLEM) der sich entwickelnden thermisch-hydraulischen Effekte, die durch die Einlagerung von Hochtemperaturfluiden in das stratifizierte oberjurassische geothermische Reservoir induziert werden. Dies ermöglicht eine vorausschauende Bewertung der Hochtemperatur (HT)-Aquiferspeicher (ATES)-Entwicklung im deutschen Molassebecken. Im Detail betrachtet die Arbeit den relativen Beitrag und die zeitlich veränderliche Bedeutung der wichtigsten Konduktions- und Konvektionsmechanismen, welche die Speicherung thermischer Energie im Gestein unter einer solchen mehrschichtigen Lagerstättenkonfiguration beeinflussen. Die Analyse unterstreicht zudem die erforderliche Berücksichtigung der Variation der Fluideigenschaften auch bei Abwesenheit einflussreicher freier Konvektionsmuster. Dies wirkt sich auf die Abschätzung der thermischen und hydraulischen Leistung eines HT-ATES-Systems aus.
Englische Zusammenfassung:
This study incorporates the multiphysics numerical analysis (MOOSE/GOLEM) of the developing thermal-hydraulic effects induced by the storage of high-temperature fluids into the stratified Upper Jurassic geothermal reservoir, providing thus a predictive assessment of HT-ATES development in the German Molasse Basin. In more detail, we address the relative contribution and temporally transient significance of the principal conductive and convective driving mechanisms impacting the storage of thermal energy into the rock matrix under such a multilayered reservoir configuration. Our analysis further highlights the indispensable numerical consideration of the variation in the fluid properties even under the absence of influential free convective patterns, and the consequent effect on the estimation of the thermal and hydraulic performance of the HT-ATES system.
Link zur Veröffentlichung: https://adgeo.copernicus.org/articles/65/103/2024/
Referenz: Tzoufka, K., Blöcher, G., Cacace, M., Pfrang, D., and Zosseder, K.: Physics-based numerical evaluation of High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) in the Upper Jurassic reservoir of the German Molasse Basin, Adv. Geosci., 65, 103–111, https://doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-65-103-2024, 2024.
Kontakt: kalliopi.tzoufk[at]tum.de
Abstract (englische Originalversion):
Concepts of High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) (> 50 °C) are investigated in this study for system application in the Upper Jurassic reservoir (Malm aquifer) of the German Molasse Basin (North Alpine Foreland Basin). The karstified and fractured carbonate rocks exhibit favourable conditions for conventional geothermal exploitation of the hydrothermal resource. Here, we perform a physics-based numerical analysis to further assess the sustainability of HT-ATES development in the Upper Jurassic reservoir. With an estimated heating capacity of approx. 19.5 MW over half a year, our approach aims at determining numerically the efficiency of heat storage under the in situ Upper Jurassic reservoir conditions and projected operation parameters. In addition, the hydraulic performance of the HT-ATES system is further evaluated in terms of productivity and injectivity index.
The numerical models build upon datasets from three operating geothermal sites at depths of approx. 2000–3000 m TVD, located in a subset of the reservoir dominated by karst-controlled fluid fluxes. Commonly considered as a single homogeneous unit, the 500 m thick reservoir is subdivided into three discrete layers based on field tests and borehole logs from the three considered sites. The introduced vertical heterogeneity with associated layer-specific enhanced permeabilities allows to examine potentially arising favourable heat transfer, and in combination with the facilitated high operation flow rates (100 kg s−1) to evaluate thermal recoveries in the multilayered reservoir. All simulations account for fluid density and viscosity variation based on thermodynamically consistent equations of state (EOS).
Computation results reveal that the reservoir layering induces preferential fluid and heat migration primarily into the high-permeability zone, while thermal front propagation into the lower permeable rock matrix is inhibited. The simulations further display a gradual temperature increase in the warm wellbore and its surrounding host rock, and a consequent progressive improvement in the heat recovery efficiency. Despite the elevated permeability that may trigger advective heat losses, heat recovery factor values range from approx. 0.7 over the first year of operation to over 0.85 after 10 years of operation. An additional scenario is examined with fluid injection solely in the high permeable zone, in order to quantify potential enhancement in the recovery efficiency by omitting fluid injection in the lower-permeability layers where heat propagation is diminished. This is due to the geometrical shape of the thermally perturbed rock volume as heat losses occur during thermal equilibration between injected fluid and reservoir rock, as well as at the contact-surface area between propagating thermal front and adjacent rock matrix. Results suggest that under the stratified reservoir configuration, additionally constrained by the selected spatial distribution of rock properties, heat storage performed only into the upper high-permeability zone corresponds to an improved thermal performance. Simulation results further indicate that density-induced buoyant fluxes, which would considerably decrease thermal efficiencies are inhibited in the system, and the prevailing heat transport mechanism is forced convection.